It’s really important for people who are self-isolating because of coronavirus to look after their mental health and wellbeing as well their physical health.
Staying at home and avoiding contact with others as much as possible is essential to limit the risk of catching the virus or spreading it to others.
But for many people, especially if you live alone, social isolation can be a lonely, anxious, scary or depressing time. This leaflet has a few simple tips to help look after our mental well-being. It’s written for people who are self-isolating, or are maybe just feeling isolated, and who don’t have access to the internet and online entertainment or ‘distraction’ options. If you can get online, you can download a copy of this information and get lots more ideas at learn.
The 30-3-30 approach
The suggestions below are grouped into things that take about 30 seconds, things that you can do in about 3 minutes, and things that might take 30 minutes or longer. The 30 second ones are quick fix ‘emergency’ actions you can do if you suddenly feel panicky, scared or unable to cope.
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