Leaders Focus:
- Meet core needs of staff
- Ensure staff wellbeing
- Sustain motivation
- Help staff deal with rapidly changing situations
- Provide clear structures
- Co-ordinate and direct collaboratively, communicate directly and honestly.
- Provide clear guidance and be true to your word
- Over directing and micro controlling alienates staff
- Draw on available resources
Available resources:
- Collective intelligence made up of experience and knowledge of staff
- Staff are skilled and have wisdom
- Unleash collective intelligence of staff through compassionate leadership
- Compassionate leadership requires compassionate intention
What is Compassionate Leadership?
- Pay full attention to all staff
- Listen to them; Be fully present when you are with them
- Try to understand what they are going through, cultivate authentic curiosity
- Don’t impose your understanding/views
- Ask the question “How can I help you”
- Remember we are all human and connected in our shared vulnerability– “inter-connection”
- Be aware of ABC of human needs at work
- A - Autonomy and Control for staff
o Staff must have a voice about decisions that affect delivery of care
o Listen to staff everyday
o Take staff views and experiences into account
o Staff need regular short breaks and access to food and drinks
o Leaders provide access to places for short rest
o Leaders provide access for staff to meet basic biological needs - B - Belonging
o We cope by feeling cared for, supported, connected to others
o Leaders facilitate supportive environment – open communication, transparency in decisions
o Leaders show gratitude for what their staff give
o Leaders honour the skills and wisdom of their staff
o Leaders clarify roles and ensure everyone knows what each other’s roles is - C - Competence
o Leaders make sure workloads are manageable
o Leaders facilitate short team reviews
o Leaders facilitate learning within organisation/team
o Leaders share learning from national sources and from around the world
o Leaders facilitate teams developing responses
o Short team reviews allow teams to rest together experiencing inter-connection
*Bailey, S & West, M. The Kings Fund