We want to give a big thank you to the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS) for providing such a great list of comprehensive resources for those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an immensely stressful time for many, and we hope that this information can help reduce the distress and improve the well-being of all those involved.

Please feel free to pass along any of these helpful resources to your staff, colleagues, or loved ones. The CSTS had made all of these links available and free to the public. 

Resources for Providers

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Resources for Families

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Resources for Leaders

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Additional Resources and Research

Be sure to explore the CSTS COVID-19 pandemic response page for even more information on promoting well-being during this challenging time. The Well-Being Index team will continue to put out helpful resources and support the impacted communities.

Thank you to all those on the front lines, to family members of healthcare heroes, and to leaders in the medical field for your continued selflessness and service. We will get through this together.


Original Article link - https://www.mededwebs.com/blog/covid-19-resources-for-healthcare-providers-families-and-leadership

by Well-Being Index Team